
Learn about undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Special Education.

Note: See also "Fall Courses by Program."

Undergraduate Coursework

  • Historical, philosophical, and legal aspects of special education that affect identification and programming for diverse learners with exceptionalities.
  • Characteristics of individuals with disabilities and implications for adapting living and learning environments.
  • Meets special education mainstreaming requirement for all basic teaching credentials.

(3 units)


  • Credit or concurrent registration in Special Education 450
  • Concurrent registration in Special Education 502

Theory, research, and processes in learning in relation to individuals with disabilities. Foundations of learning, development, and intervention.

 (3 units)

Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in Special Education 501

3 hours of observation/participation per week.

Observation and participation in general and special education classrooms and related school activities for students with disabilities.

(1 unit)

Prerequisite: Admission to credential program

Educational needs and services for students with serious emotional disturbance. Classroom interventions and procedures.

(1 unit)

Prerequisite: Special Education 450

Historical and philosophical perspectives of programs related to students with mild/moderate support needs. Research on educational programs, curricular approaches, and characteristics.

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Special Education 450

Historical and philosophical perspectives of programs related to students with extensive support needs. Research on educational programs, curricular approaches, and characteristics with emphasis on services in context of school reform.

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Special Education 450

  • Historical and philosophical perspectives, characteristics, needs, and supports for individuals with physical, health, and sensory impairments in educational, home, and community settings.
  • Implications of health concerns for programming.

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent registration in Special Education

  • Historical and philosophical perspectives of cultural pluralism in special education and programs related to diverse students with disabilities.
  • Research on curricular approaches and instructional needs.
  • Sociocultural aspects related to disability, race, ethnicity, gender, and language.

Note that students in SPED 527 are encouraged (but not required) to participate in a study abroad experience.

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Special Education 450

  • Characteristics, needs, and educational programs and services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities and
    their families.
  • Legislative requirements, models of service delivery, recommended practices, and family diversity. 

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Admission to credential program

  • Classroom assessment in general and special education for students with mild/moderate support needs.
  • Curriculum-based data collection strategies. Influences of cultural and linguistic diversity, and implications for curricular and instructional adaptations.

(3 units)

Prerequisites: Special Education 450 and 501

  • Positive behavioral supports for students with disabilities in general and special education settings.
  • Current theories and programs in functional assessment and behavioral change.
  • Applications in educational and community environments with diverse students.

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Special Education 450

  • Educational applications of current technologies for learners with disabilities.
  • Selection, modification, and classroom use of
    technologies to improve or bypass physical, sensory, communicative, learning, and social limitations.

(3 units)

Specialized study of selected topics in special education.

  • May be offered as either a workshop or lecture/discussion.
  • See Class Schedule for specific content.
  • Maximum credit of 6 units of 596 applicable to a master's degree.
  • Maximum combined credit of 6 units of 596 and 696 applicable to a 30-unit master's degree.

(1-4 units)


Graduate Coursework

Prerequisite: Admission to credential program. SPED 450 with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

  • Models of assessment emphasizing observation and interviewing, performance-based approaches, transdisciplinary teaming, family-professional collaboration, and adaptations for specific disabilities, cultural, and linguistic diversity for students with extensive support needs.
  • Communicating and using assessment data for individualized program planning. 
  • Formerly numbered SPED 635.

(3 units)

Prerequisite(s): SPED 547. 

  • Advanced adaptations in curriculum and instruction in content areas, study skills, organizational strategies, and social and transition skills.
  • English-as-a-second language approaches for students with disabilities.
  • Research and practices related to linguistic, cultural, and ability differences.
  • Formerly numbered SPED 648.

(2-3 units)

Prerequisite: Admission to Clear Education Specialist Credential or M.A. program in special education or related area

Advanced approaches to dealing with behavioral crises and health issues in classroom, to include working with mental health specialists and school nurses.

(1 unit)

  • Research-based instructional strategies to promote higher level and creative thinking
  • Counseling approaches
  • Services to families
  • Issues in differentiating learning experiences

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Admission to Clear Education Specialist Credential or M.A. program in special education or related area

  • Implementation of laws, regulations, and compliance requirements in special education
  • Leadership approaches for managing school related services within a multidisciplinary context

(3 units)

Prerequisites: Admission to Clear Education Specialist Credential or M.A. program in special education or related area

Advanced instruction, collaboration, consultation skills, and strategies for working with students, teachers, paraprofessionals, school personnel, other service providers, parents, and representatives from the community

(3 units)

Prerequisite: Admission to credential program and credit or concurrent registration in Special Education 980

  • Communication and collaboration skills for working with teachers and other professionals, paraprofessionals, parents, and representatives from the community
  • Listening and questioning techniques, interpersonal processes, family systems and needs, conflict resolution, decision-making models, and team functions

(1 unit)

Prerequisite: Special Education 553

Single-case research designs focused on interventions with individuals with disabilities

(3 units)

Cr/NC Prerequisite: Permission of graduate adviser.

Application to be made during previous semester.

  • Extensive daily participation or teaching in public schools and preparation for teaching of exceptional individuals
  • May be repeated with new content.
  • Maximum credit 6 units applicable to a master's degree

(1-6 units)

Cr/NC/SP Prerequisite:
Consent of staff; to be arranged with department chair and instructor

  • Individual study
  • May involve fieldwork
  • Maximum credit 6 units applicable to a master's degree

(1-6 units)

Cr/NC Prerequisites:
Special Education 502 and consent of credential adviser.

  • 15 hours of observation/participation per week
  • Participation in general and special education programs for students with disabilities; supervised by a special educator
  • Integration and application of skills and knowledge gained in credential coursework
  • May be repeated in other specialties
  • Maximum credit 4 units applicable to each credential program:
    • A. Mild/Moderate Support Needs
    • B. Extensive Support Needs
    • C. Physical/Health Impairments
    • D. ECSE: Infant/Preschool

(4 units)

Cr/NC Prerequisite: Consent of credential adviser.

  • Culminating practicum for Education Specialist Credential (Preliminary)
  • Participation supervised by a special educator
  • May be repeated in other specialties
  • Maximum credit 12 units
    • A. Mild/Moderate Support Needs
    • B. Extensive Support Needs
    • C. Physical/Health Impairments
    • D. ECSE: Infant/Preschool

(1-12 units)