DLE Global

Global partnerships with DLE and other study abroad opportunities.

DLE Transborder Education Experience

Begin Your Credential with an Immersive Experience

DLE Tecate
DLE Tecate

The Transborder Education Experience (ED 450, 2 units) is a unique class created specifically for teacher candidates in the Dual Language and English Learner department and designed to look at education and border issues through a social justice lens. The four-day class takes place across the border, in and around Tijuana and Tecate. It is designed to start the credential program with an intensive experience around both education and immigration issues faced on both sides of the border. One purpose is to help students reflect on their own personal experiences and how those will impact both teaching and learning in the classroom. 

Oaxaca Partnership
Oaxaca Partnership

It also opens avenues for critical thinking around the needs and experience of future students. This class also serves as a gateway for understanding how to create global citizens through cross-border connections. Participants meet with Mexican teachers and administrators, prepare and implement literacy based CalTPA aligned lessons, as well as discuss immigration and deportation and how those affect their classrooms. This class allows teacher candidates to build bonds with other students in their cohort at the beginning of the credential program in order to provide a strong network of support. 

COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning

This COIL program is a partnership with UABJO (Universidad Autonoma Benito Juarez Oaxaca) and La Escuela Normal Fronteriza Tijuana. This collaboration involves teacher candidates from the three partner institutions who engage in three modules of coursework centered around migration, transmigration, positionality & privilege, and the application of the learning into their current and or future classroom and community settings with the conclusion of a collaborative project. The course (ED 450, 2 units) takes place over a six-week span both synchronously and asynchronously.


DLE COIL Program Connects Future Teachers in the U.S. and Mexico

Binational Partnerships

Switzerland Partnership
Switzerland Partnership
Avila, Spain
Avila, Spain

Global Education

Passport and Compass

The College of Education has partnered with the Global Education Office to offer students a perspective of both a country’s diverse people and the critical issues of its society, commerce, political spheres, religion(s) and culture(s). These transborder and study-abroad experiences extend an opportunity for students to explore their responsibility to the global community. 

Experience Oaxaca

San Diego State University - Hierve el Agua - Mitla
Hierve el Agua - Mitla
San Diego University - Reforestacion Oaxaca - Grandes Maestros
Reforestacion Oaxaca
Labor Social
Labor Social