Child and Family Development students (undergraduate majors, as well as CFD minors and IS3D students who take our lab classes) must successfully pass a background check in order to be placed in educational and community settings. Red flag issues which prevent placement may impede progression and successful completion of degree requirements.
See information below to determine the correct form for you:
New Incoming Transfer Students
For new incoming transfer students, please follow the instructions below to complete your background clearance. You may not take any CFD lab classes until the fingerprint process is complete. Please do this right away.
Read the document titled Fingerprint Letter for Blackboard and Website (PDF). This document gives step-by-step instructions for completing your fingerprints.
Live Scan Facility Form
Use this form to take to a Live Scan facility to start the clearance process. Do not use any other form, as this form includes information specific to our department. The Live Scan facility will complete the bottom of the form with their information. This is your receipt. Please give a copy of your receipt to your CFD Advisor at summer orientation. This way, we know you have started the fingerprint process.
Community Care Licensing - Already Cleared
Please use this form if you have already been cleared through Community Care Licensing. This form will allow you to add your clearance to our license. Complete the top 2 sections, making certain that you have filled in every item. The only item which may be left out is your Social Security Number.
Also complete the Criminal Record Form. Then give the completed forms, along with a clear copy of your Driver License (front and back), to your CFD Advisor in Lamden Hall, Room 259 (LH-259).