Dean Y. Barry Chung: A Time to Come Together  

August 23, 2024
A smiling Y. Barry Chung on the SDSU campus.

I am delighted to welcome you to the San Diego State University College of Education for the start of a new academic year! Whether you are a new or returning student, a member of our faculty and staff, or part of our valued community of alumni and friends, it is wonderful to be on this journey with you as we strive to make a difference for young people, families, and communities.
We are here at an exciting time. Our college recently received its highest-ever national ranking (No. 48 in U.S. News & World Report), launched a new Leadership Studies major, made strides in transforming our teacher education programs, and much more. I encourage you to learn about our recent progress by reading our newly published 2024 Yearbook and Impact Report.
Looking to the future, I recognize we don't embark on this new year in a bubble. This semester starts against the backdrop of a national election season, which has emotions running high. Meanwhile, higher education is part of the debate, as everything from diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives to the very value of a college degree itself are being questioned.
I encourage our students, faculty, and staff to engage in civil conversations and make their voices heard on these and other issues. As we do, it's important to also be respectful of differences of opinion and mindful of the emotional toll the current climate and uncertainty may be having on those around us. Through it all, we must strive to remain considerate, constructive, and kind.
As a college devoted to preparing education and wellness professionals, we have a special role to play in supporting the wider SDSU community throughout the semester. In collaboration with our department chairs and the Office of the President, we are exploring ways the College of Education could work to foster an affirmative and supportive campus climate in the coming months.
That said, there is much to look forward to this semester and beyond. We are planning multiple events to bring our community together, including our first-ever College of Education tailgate at the homecoming football game on Oct. 26. I also look forward to getting to know our students during Coffee and Tea with the Dean, which I will be hosting on Sept. 10 and Feb. 12. Faculty and staff should also keep an eye out for upcoming Water Cooler Chat and Fireside Conversation opportunities.
As always, you can stay in touch with us by following the College of Education (@sdsucoe) and me personally (@ybarrychung) on Instagram.
Here's to a safe, stimulating, and rewarding semester!
Y. Barry Chung, PhD
Dean, College of Education

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