About Us

Project PIPELINES: Preparing Intervention Personnel as Early LearnIng Navigators using Evidence-based Strategies

Awarded from the Office of Special Education Programs – US Department of Education

California with three colored areas and squiggly lines

The purpose of the project is to provide professional development and support to community college faculty who are preparing early childhood educators so that they have the knowledge and skills to teach students enrolled in their courses how to maximize the potential of young children with disabilities, including dual language learners, and provide support to families living in the diverse communities served by the college. Three community college partners (Cuyamaca, Palomar, Miramar College) will be the focus during the first four years of the project and the fifth year will focus on dissemination of what we learned to community colleges throughout California supported by First 5 California and the California Community College Early Childhood Educators (CCCECE) organization.

ideas that work

The project will take a community engagement approach and will also focus on enhancing mentor support and creating inclusive opportunities for each and every young child. The competencies will be embedded throughout the project and include:

  1. collaboration skills to work effectively with other adults,
  2. implementation of instructional and intervention practices that are evidence-based,
  3. skills to support literacy and STEM activities and to support families’ understanding of literacy and STEM development,
  4. supporting the social, emotional, and behavioral development of young children with disabilities,
  5. use of technology to enhance development and participation,
  6. observing and collecting data for progress monitoring,
  7. engaging and communicating with families,
  8. assisting with transition plans and services across settings, and
  9. working with children, including dual language learners, and their families from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.


Project Director

Co-Project Director

Key Personnel

Similar Federally Funded Projects

Project PIPELINES is one of 6 projects funded in 2018 by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to support professional development of community college faculty as they prepare early childhood educators to work with all young children including those with disabilities, and dually identified young children, or young children with disabilities who are dual language learners. All projects aim to prepare paraprofessionals to use effective practices to support the inclusion of all children in high quality early learning environments. Links to information about the other 5 projects are found below.

Impact Report

Summary of Impact of the 325N Projects

Community Colleges

Three community college partners (Cuyamaca, Palomar, and Miramar) will be the focus during the first four years of the project and the fifth year will focus on dissemination of what we learned to community colleges throughout California supported by First 5 California and the California Community College Early Childhood Educators (CCCECE) organization. 

Cuyamaca College

Palomar College

Miramar Community College

Contact Us

Project Director: Laura J. Hall

Co-Project Director: Yasemin Turan Qian

PIPELINE Resources