Audrey Hokoda, Ph.D.

Department of Child and Family Development
Dr. Audrey Hokoda, Professor in the Child and Family Development Department, received her B.S. in psychobiology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. As Principal/Co-Principal Investigator on over 20 studies/community projects focused on youth violence prevention, she has worked with partners (e.g., San Diego County HHSA Office of Violence Prevention, Sweetwater Union High School District, Cherokee Point Elementary, Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría, Mexico City, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico) and has developed and implemented evidence-based prevention programs addressing bullying, teen dating violence, domestic violence, and trauma. In 2022, she co-edited a book with Dr. Shulamit Ritblatt entitled From Trauma to Resiliency: Trauma-Informed Practices for Working with Children, Families, Schools, and Communities.
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
M.A. Clinical Psychology, Minor: Developmental/Educational Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
B.S. Psychobiology, University of California, Los Angeles
Awards & Honors
- SDSU Senate Excellence in Teaching Award, 2018-19
- CFD 537: Child Abuse and Family Violence
- CFD 578: Conflict Resolution Across the Lifespan
California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative (2016 - 2021)
- The Creciendo Juntos (Growing Together) Parent Leadership program, initiated as part of the Trauma-Informed Community Schools (TICS) project, continued to support Parent Leaders as they led workshops and advocated for their children’s education and well-being.
Health Federation of Philadelphia (2015 - 2017)
The Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) is a national effort to support community projects that seek to address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) through policy and system change. Supporting the San Diego – Trauma Informed Guide Team, goals include enhancing cross-sector collaborative efforts aimed at promoting resilience and preventing ACEs in San Diego.
California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative (2011-2015)
- The Trauma-Informed Community Schools (TICS) (previously named the Wellness and Restorative Practice Partnership: WRPP) focuses on decreasing youth violence, improving school climate, and increasing community safety and access to health care in the Cherokee Point neighborhood of City Heights.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (2010-2013)
- The goal is to provide cross-system coordinated prevention and intervention services to victims of teen relationship violence, primarily Asian/Pacific Islander, African American and Latino teens. The program utilizes empirically-supported curriculum for training youth mentors, who help screen and make referrals to counseling services that follows the evidenced-based Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM) model. My role is to help consult on the coordination, planning and implementation of education, outreach and treatment activities, supervise student interns leading education workshops, inform curriculum development with research and best practices, and help Dr. Emilio Ulloa evaluate the program.
Sweetwater Union School District- The Peer Abuse Prevention Program (2002-2010)
- The goal was to implement and evaluate a peer abuse (bullying) prevention program in 8 middle schools in the Sweetwater Union High School District in San Diego County. Modeled after Dan Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, the program includes school policy changes, teacher and parent trainings, and classroom sessions. Dozens of SDSU undergraduate and graduate students helped develop, implement and evaluate the program.
County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency- Office of Violence Prevention (OVP) Programs (2002-2010)
- The major goals of this program were: to coordinate and administer best-practice models addressing family violence (e.g., County of San Diego Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team), to develop comprehensive trainings and protocols for professionals (e.g., healthcare, law enforcement, child welfare) addressing the needs of children exposed to domestic violence, and to develop a coordinated, comprehensive County response.
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT)-Fogarty Program (2007, 2003, 2002)
- Collaborating with faculty and students at the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría in Mexico City and at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in Monterrey, Mexico, I served as faculty research advisor for SDSU graduate and undergraduate students conducting research on youth violence. The studies examined risk and protective factors associated with teen dating violence and bullying in Mexican youth, and included the adaptation, translation and evaluation of a pilot parenting program (Mamás Ayudando a Sus Hijos) for survivors of domestic violence in Mexico City.
Alliance Healthcare Foundation (1998 - 2001)
- The goal of this project was to develop and evaluate the implementation of a cognitive-behavioral intervention (Moms Helping Kids - Mamás Ayudando a Sus Hijos) that teaches survivors of domestic violence ways to address their children’s post-traumatic stress, aggressive and depressive symptoms. The 12-week program, offered in English and Spanish, was implemented at 8 agencies in San Diego County (e.g., YWCA in San Diego, Scripps Otay Family Health Center in Chula Vista, St. Matthews Episcopal Church in National City, ParentCare Family Recovery Center in La Mesa).
- Ritblatt, S. N. & Hokoda, A. (2022). Understanding trauma and the importance of relationship-based practices to promote resiliency. In S. N. Ritblatt & A. Hokoda (Eds.), From Trauma to resiliency: Trauma-informed practices for working with children, families, school, and communities (Introduction). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Hokoda, A., Rodriguez, M.*, Ritblatt, S. N., Schiele, S.*, & Ingraham, C. L. (2022). Creciendo Juntos (Growing Together): Building leadership in Latino parents in a trauma-informed elementary school, In S. N. Ritblatt & A. Hokoda (Eds.), From Trauma to resiliency: Trauma-informed practices for working with children, families, school, and communities. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Flowers, K. A., Hilt, D. K.*, & Hokoda, A. (2022). A biological imperative to thrive: Supporting military families with young children, In S. N. Ritblatt & A. Hokoda (Eds.), From Trauma to resiliency: Trauma-informed practices for working with children, families, school, and communities. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Ritblatt, S. N. & Hokoda, A. (2022). Refugees’ resettlement and traumatic experiences: Utilizing trauma-informed practices with refugee women to address war trauma and enhance resilience, In S. N. Ritblatt & A. Hokoda (Eds.), From Trauma to resiliency: Trauma-informed practices for working with children, families, school, and communities. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Ritblatt, S. N., Hokoda, A., Behana, N., Wojtach, B., Walsh, C., & Gonzalez, C. * (2022). Children experiencing loss and deprivation of parental care, In S. N. Ritblatt & A. Hokoda (Eds.), From Trauma to resiliency: Trauma-informed practices for working with children, families, school, and communities. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Pang, V. O., Chang, B. B., Pak, Y. K., Hokoda, A., Rodriguez, N. N., & Kim, E. (2022). Asian American and Pacific Islander children. In G. Noblit, A. Luke, & P. Groves Price (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Education. Oxford University Press.
- Ritblatt, S. N., Hokoda, A., & Black, F. V. (in press). Building relationships with families of young children utilizing trauma-informed approaches. In the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) Family School Community Partnerships Series - Reflect, Connect, Collaborate, Lead: Promising Practices for Partnering with Families. Information Age Publishing.
- Ritblatt, S. N., Hokoda, A., & Van Liew, C. (2017). Investing in the early childhood mental health workforce development: Enhancing professionals’ competencies to support emotion and behavior regulation in young children. Brain Science, 7(9), 1-19.
- Hammett, J. F.*, Ulloa, E. C., Castañeda, D. M., & Hokoda, A. (2017). Intimate partner violence victimization and romantic relationship distress among White and Mexican newlyweds. Violence and Victims, 32, 326-341.
- Ingraham, C. L, Hokoda, A., Moehlenbruck, D.*, Karafin, M.*, Manzo, C.*, & Ramirez, D.* (2016). Consultation and collaboration to develop and implement restorative practices in a culturally and linguistically diverse elementary school. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultations, 26(4), 354-384.
- East, P. L., & Hokoda, A. (2015). Risk and protective factors for sexual and dating violence victimization: A longitudinal, prospective study of Latino and African American adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 1288-1300.
- Ulloa, E. C., Guzman, M.*, Hammett, J.*, & Hokoda, A. (2015). Psychological growth in relation to intimate partner violence: A review. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
- Ulloa, E. C., Kissee, J.*, Castaneda, D., & Hokoda, A. (2013). A Global Examination of Teen Relationship Violence. In F.L. Denmark & J. Sigal (Eds.), Violence Against Women Across the Lifespan: An International Perspective. New York: Praeger Publishers.
- Ritblatt, S. N., Garrity, S., Longstreth, S., Hokoda, A., & Potter, N. (2013). Early care and education matters: A conceptual model for early childhood teacher preparation integrating the key constructs of knowledge, reflection, and practice. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 34(1), 46-62.
- Ritblatt, S., Longstreth, S., Hokoda, A., Cannon, B.*, & Weston, J.* (2013). Can music enhance school readiness socio-emotional skills? Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 27(3), 257-266.
- Espinoza, G.*, Hokoda, A., Ulloa, E. C., Ulibarri, M. D., & Castañeda, D. (2012). Gender differences in the relations among patriarchal beliefs, parenting, and teen relationship violence in Mexican adolescents, Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 21(7), 721-738.
- Antônio, T.*, Koller, S. H., & Hokoda, A. (2012). Peer influences on the dating aggression process among Brazilian street youth: A brief report. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(8), 1579-1592.
- Hokoda, A., Del Campo, M.*, & Ulloa, E. C. (2012). Age and gender differences in teen relationship violence. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 21(3), 351-364.
- Clarey, A.*, Hokoda, A., & Ulloa, E.C. (2010). Anger control and justification of violence as a mediator in the relationship between witnessing interparental violence and perpetration of dating violence in Mexican adolescents. Journal of Family Violence, 25, 619-625.
- Han, Y. M., Hokoda, A., & Song, H. * (2009). Educational beliefs of Korean- and European-American mothers of preschool age children. Korea Journal of Child Care and Education, 57, 271-288.
- Antônio, T.*, & Hokoda, A. (2009). Gender variations in dating violence and positive conflict resolution among Mexican adolescents. Violence and Victims, 24(4), 533-545.
- Yabko, B. A.*, Hokoda, A., & Ulloa, E. C. (2008). Depression as a mediator between family factors and peer bullying victimization in Latino adolescents. Violence and Victims, 23, 727-742.
- Hokoda, A., Galván, D.*, Malcarne, V. L., Castañeda, D. M., & Ulloa, E. C. (2007). An exploratory study examining teen dating violence, acculturation and acculturative stress in Mexican-American adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 14(3), 33-49.
- Goldberg Edelson, M., Hokoda, A., & Ramos-Lira, L. (2007). Differences in effects of domestic violence between Latina and non-Latina women. Journal of Family Violence, 1, 1 – 10.
- Hokoda, A., Lu, H. H. A.*, & Angeles, M.* (2006). School bullying in Taiwanese adolescents. Journal of Emotional Abuse, 6(4), 69-90.
- Hokoda, A., Ramos-Lira, L., Celaya, P.*, Vilhauer, K.*, Angeles, M.*, Ruiz, S.*, Malcarne, V. L., & Mora, M. D. (2006). Reliability of translated measures assessing dating violence among Mexican adolescents. Violence and Victims, 21(1), 117-127.
- Paciorek, L.*, Hokoda, A., & Herbst, M. (2003). A Peer Education Intervention Addressing Teen Dating Violence: The Perspectives of the Adolescent Peer Educators. Family Violence and Sexual Assault Bulletin, 19, 11-19.
- Hokoda, A., & Fincham, F. D. (1995). Origins of children's helpless and mastery achievement patterns in the family. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 375-385.
- Fincham, F. D., Hokoda, A. J., & Sanders, R. Jr. (1989). Learned helplessness, test anxiety, and academic achievement: A longitudinal analysis. Child Development, 60, 138 145.
- Hokoda, A. J., Fincham, F. D., & Diener, C. I. (1989). The effects of social comparison information on learned helpless and mastery oriented children in achievement settings. European Journal of Social Psychology, 19, 527 542.
- Fincham, F. D., Diener, C. I., & Hokoda, A. J. (1987). Attribution style: Implications for childhood depression and causal schemata. British Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 1 7.
- Fincham, F. D., & Hokoda, A. J. (1987). Social learned helplessness and sociometric status. European Journal of Social Psychology, 17, 95 111.
- Note: * Denotes student authors.