Office of the Dean

Y. Barry Chung

A Time to Come Together

I am delighted to welcome you to a new academic year at the San Diego State University College of Education! In this message, I reflect on our recent accomplishments, including our highest-ever national ranking and the launch of a new Leadership Studies major. As we navigate the current political climate, I emphasize the importance of respectful dialogue and supporting one another. I also share some exciting upcoming events, like our first-ever College of Education tailgate, where I look forward to connecting with you. Let’s make this year a great one together!

Read Full Message

Dean’s Office Responsibilities for the College of Education

  • Overall programmatic, human resource, and fiscal management
  • Ensuring efficient and effective program operations resulting in students demonstrating the knowledge, dispositions, and skills that will enable them to succeed in an array of educational careers
  • Acquiring and maintaining relationships with a variety of community partners including school districts, community colleges, early childhood education centers and alumni groups
  • Ensuring we meet applicable requirements from several accrediting bodies and the California State University System

Dean's Advisory Groups

Dean's Office Support Staff

The dean’s staff is here to support all College of Education faculty, staff and students. This team is comprised of a senior associate dean, two associate deans, one assistant dean, and support staff in the areas of administration, finance and operations, student services, technology, assessment and accreditation, data management and development.

Front Desks

Office of the Dean: 619-594-6091 | [email protected]
Office for Student Success: 619-594-6320 | [email protected]
Technology Help Desk: 619-594-7474 | [email protected]
