Nellie Tran, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Center for Community Counseling and Engagement & Professor
CBB Multicultural Community Counseling
Department of Counseling and School Psychology
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-5333
Fax: 619-594-7025
North Education - 183
Mail Code: 1179
- Tran, N., & Paterson, S. E. (2015). “American” as a proxy for “Whiteness”: Racial color- blindness in everyday life. In A. Dottolo & E. Kaschek (Eds.) Special Issue: Whiteness & White Privilege, Women & Therapy, 38, 341-355. doi: 10.1080/02703149.2015.1059216
- Birman, D., & Tran, N. (2015). The Academic Engagement of Newly Arriving Somali Bantu Students in a U.S. Elementary School. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute
- Tran, N., & Chan, W. Y. (2016). A contemporary perspective of working with Asian/Asian American communities. In M. A. Bond, C. B. Keys, & I. Serrano- Garcia (Eds) In Handbook of Community Psychology: Methods for community research and action for diverse groups and issues, Vol. 2. (pp. 475-490). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association