Marva Cappello, Ph.D.

Director, JDP & Center for Visual Literacies & Professor
School of Teacher Education
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-1322
Fax: 619-594-7828
Lamden Hall - 215
Mail Code: 1153
Marva Cappello, Ph.D. is a Professor of Teacher Education and the Director/Founder of the Center for Literacies at San Diego State University where her work focuses on visual-based methods as equitable and inclusive practice for literacy pedagogy and qualitative research. The Center is an international community for teachers and scholars and recently hosted the well-attended symposium Voices of Women of Color: Visual-Based Research Methods on campus. Recent publications of her visual-based research have been published in the International Journal of Education & the Arts, Literacy Research: Theory Methods and Practice, Issues in Teacher Education, and The Reading Teacher highlighting studies she has completed near the US/Mexico border, Samoa, and Belize. Dr. Cappello teaches courses in literacy methods and assessment as well as qualitative research methods at the credential, masters, and doctoral levels.
Dr. Cappello is also the Director of the SDSU/CGU Joint Doctoral Program in Education whose mission is “to develop scholars who are committed to research on democratic schooling, social justice, and equitable educational outcomes for all students, and the improvement of educational systems serving diverse communities.”
- Cappello, M. & Walker, N. (2020). Talking Drawings: A multimodal pathway for demonstrating learning. The Reading Teacher 00(0), 1-12.
- Cappello, M., Turner, J., & Wiseman, A. (2019). Framing equitable classroom practices: Potentials of critical multimodal literacy research. Literacy Research: Theory Methods and Practice, 68.
- Cappello, M. & Walker, N. (2019). Get the Picture! Visual Based Literacy Strategies across the curriculum. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials.
- Cappello, M. (2019). Creating multimodal compositions: Young Belizean campers dialogue across cultures. The Reading Teacher, 73(2), pp. 239-246.
- Cappello, M. (2019). Reflections of identity in multimodal projects: Teacher education in the Pacific. Issues in Teacher Education, 28 (1). 6-20.
- Casassa, K., Cappello, M., Bedau, D., & Cirino, P. (2018). Tweeting at Dr. Faustus: #sdsufaustus. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 19(6). Retrieved from
- Cappello, M. (2017). Considering visual text complexity: A guide for teachers. The Reading Teacher, 70 (6), 733-739.
- Cappello, M., Kendig, J., Bedau, D., & Hopkins, D.J. (2016). In.Love: Analyzing participatory photographic data. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts, 3 (2), 8-38.
- Cappello, M. & Walker, N. (2016). Visual thinking Strategies: Teachers' reflections on closely reading complex visual texts within the disciplines. The Reading Teacher, 70 (3), 317-325.