School of Teacher Education

Valerie Ooka Pang, Ph.D.
Professor EmeritaSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-6286NE 92
Esmeralda Orozco
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]
Kimberly Padgitt, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Doan Stephen Phan
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH 224
Rosalba Ponce, M.A.
Bilingual Credential Program Supervisor & LecturerDepartment of Dual Language and English Learner EducationSDSU[email protected]
Nina Potter, Ph.D.
Director of Assessment and Accreditation & LecturerDean's OfficeSDSU[email protected]619-594-3303LH 346
Rita Powell, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Rachel Rice
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]
Vivian Rich, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-6131LH
William Ricketts
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]
Amber Riehman
TASchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]
Alice Robbins, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Elizabeth Rocio Weiss, Ed.D.
Site Coordinator & LecturerProject Based Career PrepSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH 207
Stephen Rodecker, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Johanna Rodenberg, Ph.D.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-6493LH 222A
Nadia Rohlinger, M.A.
ITE Director of Service Learning & LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-1683NE 282
Victoria Root, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Pamela Ross, Ph.D.
Professor EmeritaSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-7033LH 207
Anne Rosser, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Elizabeth Rozich
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]NE 79C
Maureen Rymer, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Ixchel Samson
Reading and Literacy Graduate Advisor & LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH 205A
Rafaela Santa Cruz, Ph.D.
Professor EmeritaSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-1120LH 201A
Charles Schindler, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Al Schliecher, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH 224
Karon Schnitzer, Ed.D.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Barbara Shaw, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Lisa Sparaco, Ph.D.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-0352LH 207A