Rise to the Challenge
Become the best teacher you can be for students in general education, special education or bilingual education classrooms. Credentials and master’s degrees offered.

Teaching Credential Programs
A teaching credential is a state-issued license to teach in a public school. California law requires all teachers in CA public schools to hold a valid teaching credential. Approved College of Education teaching credential programs are offered for the multiple subject credential and the single subject credential, as well as for bilingual and special education.
General Education (Elementary to High School)
The Multiple Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach all subjects in a self-contained classroom, such as the classrooms in most elementary schools, in grades preschool, K–8, or in classes organized primarily for adults.
The Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes, such as those in most middle schools and high schools, in grades preschool, K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults.
Bilingual Education (Elementary/Middle School)
The Multiple Subject Bilingual Credential (Elementary K–6 Education) is available to students interested in teaching in a bilingual elementary school classroom. Available as a face-to-face or online program.
Bilingual Education (Middle/High School)
The Single Subject Bilingual Credential (Secondary Grades 6-12) is available for students interested in teaching in a bilingual Spanish middle or secondary school classroom in the candidates’ subject major (e.g., Science, Math, Social Science, English, Spanish, etc).
Special Education (Early Childhood)
The Early Childhood credential authorizes the holder to work with infant, toddler and preschool-age children with disabilities.
Special Education (Mild to Moderate Support Needs)
The Mild/Moderate credential authorizes the holder to teach students with disabilities in grades K-12, and adults up to age 22.
Special Education (Extensive Support Needs)
The Extensive Support Needs credential authorizes the holder to teach students with a wide range of disabilities in grades K-12, and adults up to age 22.
Master's Degree Programs
The College of Education offers graduate study leading to a Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Science (M.S.) degree in education in various concentrations. Some of these concentrations are designed to permit concurrent completion of the requirements for the correspondingly named advanced credentials.
Teaching, Elementary and Secondary Education (Online)
Designed for those who are inspired to be responsive and innovative K-12 master teachers. The program’s foundation rests in social justice and equity in education.
Teaching, Elementary and Secondary Education Math and Science Focus
Explore students’ ideas in mathematics and science, and investigate how those ideas can be leveraged to support powerful mathematics and science learning through coursework designed to connect directly to your K-12 classroom.
Teaching, K-12 Language Arts (Summer Only)
A unique, summer-only Master of Arts in Teaching Degree in Language Arts for teachers in grades K-12 with a focus on current knowledge in Reading and Language Arts.
Reading Education
Providing increased knowledge and skills for those who are or wish to become reading/language arts specialists in public or private schools, clinics, and at community colleges.
Educational Leadership PreK-12
Designed for school administrators and teachers who aspire to a leadership role in PK-12 education.
Special Education, Early Childhood Specialization
Offering in-depth study of issues related to children ages birth to pre-kindergarten with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbances.
Special Education, Mild to Moderate Support Needs Specialization
Offering in-depth study of issues related to learning disabilities, mild-to-moderate intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbances.
Special Education, Extensive Support Needs Specialization
Offering in-depth study of issues related to moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and serious
emotional disturbances.
Special Education, Autism Specialization
Offering in-depth study of issues related to individuals affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Certificates and Added Authorizations
Both certificates and added authorizations provide additional professional skills and expertise; one is sanctioned by San Diego State University and the other by the the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
Reading and Literacy Added Authorization
Designed to provide increased knowledge and skills for those who are or wish to become reading/language arts specialists.
Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential
Preparing teachers to be an effective literacy instructor, as well as to assume leadership roles in the presentation of professional development, literacy coaching, and literacy program assessment and curricula.
Bilingual Added Authorization with an Emphasis in Biliteracy for K-12
Upon satisfactory completion, teachers are eligible to apply to CTC to add a bilingual authorization to their existing credential.
Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization
This CCTC-approved Added Authorization that can be added to a Level II Specialist Credential in Special Education. The Added Authorization extends credential authorization from age 5 down to birth.