Lisa Linder, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Child and Family Development
Primary Email: [email protected]
Primary Phone: 619-594-0226
Fax: 619-329-5300
Lamden Hall - 422A
Mail Code: 4502
Dr. Lisa Linder is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Child and Family Development at San Diego State University. Dr. Linder serves as the Director of the Master’s in Early Childhood Mental Health designed to prepare clinicians with a specialization in early childhood mental health and to pursue licensure as licensed professional clinical counselors. She is the founder and director of the Healthy Early Years Clinic that provides specialized mental health services to children and families prenatal to 8 years old. She is also co-director of the Center for Excellence in Early Development (CEED), a transdisciplinary, research-based, training facility with a holistic approach to supporting early childhood development, mental health, and education in San Diego and beyond. She has worked extensively with children experiencing severe social, emotional, and behavioral disorders, in a clinical setting, as well as consulting with educational agencies through early childhood mental health consultation to better support young children presenting with challenging behaviors and with a history of adverse childhood experiences. Dr. Linder’s research examines the role of mental health and trauma in educational settings and educator professional development, enhancing cultural humility and reflective capacity of early childhood mental health professionals and educators, as well as assessing the impact of technology on young children’s early development, regulation, and relationships.
- Post-doctoral Fellowship, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles
- Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Bowling Green State University
- M.A., Clinical Psychology, University of the Pacific
- B.A., Psychology, University of Redlands
- As a scientist-practitioner in the field of clinical psychology my work centers around understanding and reducing the barriers to early development and learning so that children from all walks of life can thrive. I do this through their interrelated domains of research and practice.
1) Improving clinical, pediatric, and educational providers skill, cultural humility, and reflective capacity so they can better serve diverse populations.
2) Understanding the impact of technology on early relationships and development
3) Translating and adapting best practices to community settings and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions given the setting, population, and needs of the community.
Courses Taught
- CFD 475: Promoting Behavior Support and Classroom Organization in Early Childhood Settings
- CFD 595: Early Childhood Mental Health: Theory and Practice
- CFD 660B: Seminar in Professional Law and Ethics for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors
- CFD 697A: Advanced Field Experiences
- CFD 671: Advanced Seminar in Early Childhood Mental Health
- CFD 673 C: Early Childhood, Family, and Dyadic Therapy Techniques
- CFD 792: Clinical Field Experience
- Early Childhood Social and Emotional Functioning;
- Regulation in Early Childhood (e.g., Sensory Processing, Sleep, Feeding, Elimination, Attachment);
- Impact of Trauma and Trauma Treatment in Young Children;
- Identification and Treatment of Autism in Young Children
- Linder, L., McDaniel, B., Stockdale, L., Coyne, S. (2021). The Impact of Parent and Child Media Use on Early Parent-Infant Attachment. Infancy.
- Linder, L., Salcedo Potter, N., Garrity, S. (2020). The moderating role of parental strain on the relationship between child media use and regulation. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23(6), 392-399.
- Garrity, S., Longstreth, S., & Linder, L. (2019). Early childhood education centre director perceptions of challenging behavior: Promising practices and implications for professional development. Children & Society, 33(2), 168-184.
- Garrity, S., Longstreth, S., & Linder, L. (2017). An examination of the quality of discipline policies in NAEYC-accredited early care and education programs. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 37(2), 94-106.
- Williams, M., Wheeler, B., Linder, L., & Jacobs, R. (2017). Evolving definitions of autism and eligibility for developmental disability services: California case example. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 55(3), 192-209.
- Jensen, S. & Grimes, L. (2010). Increases in parent attendance to behavioral parent training due to concurrent child treatment groups. Child and Youth Care Forum, 39(4) 239-252.
- Grossoehme, D. H., Ragsdale, J., Cotton, S., Wooldridge, J. L., Grimes, L. & Seid, M. (2010). Parents' religious coping styles in the first year after their child's cystic fibrosis diagnosis. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 16 (3), 109-122.