Jeffrey Brown, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Brown, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
School Psychology
Department of Counseling and School Psychology



Primary Email: [email protected]


North Education - 179
Mail Code: 1179


Dr. Jeff Brown is an Assistant Professor at San Diego State in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in psychology from Tulane University, and his B.A. in psychology from Yale University. Jeff is also a licensed psychologist in the state of Minnesota, where he was an Assistant Professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato, prior to his current position. Jeff’s work focuses on the effects of discrimination on mental health, especially among Gender and Sexually Diverse Youth and Youth of color. His research also focuses on ways to address these systems of discrimination in schools, graduate programs, and technological systems. To that end, Jeff has also served as a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant in corporate settings, where he combines his focus in intersectionality and racial justice with his expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodology. Jeff has served as a Diversity and Inclusion Research Fellow at the Partnership on AI, leading their grant-funded project on attrition of diverse workers in the Artificial Intelligence field. Jeff was a Rhodes Scholarship finalist. Jeff’s primary hobby and love is figure skating, but he also enjoys reading 5 books at a time, schlock cinema, traveling, and falling down lefty Youtube rabbit holes. He was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica. 


Brown, J. M. , Naser, S. C., Brown Griffin, C., Grapin, S. L., & Proctor, S. L. (2021). A  multicultural, gender, and sexually diverse affirming school‐based consultation framework. Psychology in the Schools .

Andrus, M., Spitzer, E., Brown, J. , & Xiang, A. (2021). What We Can't Measure, We  Can't Understand: Challenges to Demographic Data Procurement in the Pursuit of Fairness. In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.  

Naser, S. C., Grapin, S. L., Griffin, C. B., & Brown, J. M. DisCrit Theory Applied to  Clinical Supervision for Minoritized Students With Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Concerns. In Critical Theories for School Psychology and Counseling (2021). Routledge.

Murphy, S. A., Brown, J. , Shankar, A., & Lichtveld, M. (2019). A quantitative assessment of institutions of higher education disaster preparedness and resilience. Journal of emergency management , 17 (3), 239-250.

Grapin, S., Brown Griffin, C., Naser, S., Brown, J.M. , & Proctor, S. (2019). School-Based Interventions for Reducing Youths’ Racial and Ethnic Prejudice. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.  

Barbarin, O.A., Hitti, A., & Brown, J. (2019)  Self-regulation of Attention,  Behavior, and Emotions Using the ABLE Universal Screener: A Rasch Analysis . Journal of Emotional and Behavior Disorders .

Filter, K. J., & Brown, J. (2019). Validation of the PBIS-ACT Full: An Updated Measure of Staff Commitment to Implement SWPBIS. Remedial and Special Education , 40(1), 40-50.

Naser, S., Brown, J ., & Verlenden, J. (2018). Utility of Universal Screening versus Office Discipline Referrals in early identification of at-risk youth. 

Brown, J. , Schreiber, C., & Barbarin, O.A.  A Review of School-wide, Classroom-Wide, and Home Based Practices for Culturally Competent Math Instruction and Intervention in Black Children. In Promising Practices in Engaging Families in STEM Learning. Ed. Caspe, M. (2018).