Cynthia Uline, Ph.D.

Professor Emerita
Department of Educational Leadership



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-3949


North Education - 162M
Mail Code: 1190

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Dr. Uline teaches courses in the preliminary administrative services credential and doctoral programs. She comes to San Diego State from the Ohio State University, where she was an associate professor of educational administration, serving on the faculty from 1995 to 2005.

Dr. Uline serves as Executive Director of San Diego State's National Center for the 21st Century Schoolhouse. The Center supports the planning, design, and construction of school facilities from a learner-centered perspective through communication, research, and training.

Dr. Uline's research explores the influence of built learning environments on students' learning, as well as the role the public plays in shaping these learning spaces. Her research interests also include school leadership for learning and school change and improvement. Her articles have appeared in Educational Administration Quarterly, Teachers College Record, the Journal of School Leadership, the International Journal of Leadership in Education, the Journal of Educational Administration, Leading and Managing, and the Journal of Research and Development in Education.



  • Johnson, J. F., Uline, C. L. & Perez, L. (2019). Teaching practices from America’s best urban schools: A Guide for school and classroom leaders, 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Johnson, J. F., Uline, C.L., & Perez, L.G. (2017). Leadership in America’s best urban schools. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Kensler, L.A.W. & Uline, C.L. (2017). Leadership for green schools: Sustainability for our children, our communities, and our planet. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Fisher, D., Frey, N. & Uline, C. (2013). Common core in English Language Arts: A leader’s guide. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.
  • Johnson, J. F., Perez, L. & Uline, C. (2012). Teaching practices from America’s best urban schools: A Guide for school and classroom leaders. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Berkowitz, J. & Uline, C.L. (1999). Galion Middle School: A changing school culture. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio Department of Education.
  • Mackley, T. & Uline, C.L. (1999). Reynoldsburg High School: “As diverse as the people we serve.” Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio Department of Education.
  • Posgai, J. & Uline, C.L. (1999). Building a professional community: The story of Franklin Heights High School. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio Department of Education.

Chapters in edited books

  • Uline, C.L. & Kensler, L.A.W. (2019). Whole district transformation: Leading systems change for sustainability, pp. 101-122. In Schechter, C., Shaked, H. and Daly, A. Leading Holistically: How Schools, Districts and States Improve Systemically. New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Woolner, P. & Uline, C.L. (2019). The school building as organizational agent: Leveraging physical learning environments to advance the educational enterprise, pp. 576-596. In Connolly, M.E.H., Eddy-Spicer, D. H., James, C., Kruse, S.D. The Sage Handbook of School Organization. London, England; Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Kensler, L. A. W. & Uline, C. L. (2015). The transformation of a school district from energy hog to energy star. In Gross, S. J. and Shapiro, J. P. Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership: Reclaiming School Reform, pp. 54-58. New York, NY: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kensler, L.A. W. & Uline, C. L. (2014). Leadership. In Sobel, D., Gentile, S. J. and Bocko, P. National Action Plan for Education for Sustainability. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and U.S. Green Building Council.
  • Uline, C. L. (2010). Writing the dissertation: One sentence, one paragraph, one page at a time. Calabrese, R. L. and Smith, P. The dissertation advisor & mentor: Sage advice for doctoral students, pp. 155-158. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
  • Uline, C. L. (1982). Teaching autistic children to play: A major teacher intervention. In Knoblock, P. (Ed.). Teaching and Mainstreaming Autistic Children, pp. 92- 119. Denver: Love Publishing Company.

Guest editorships of peer reviewed journals

  • Uline, C. (2009). Building high quality schools for learners and communities. The Journal of Educational Administration, 47, 3.
  • Uline, C. & Johnson, J.F. (2005). Closing achievement gaps: What will it take? Theory Into Practice, 44,1.

Peer reviewed journal articles

  • Kensler, L.A.W. & Uline, C.L. (2019). Educational restoration: A foundational model inspired by ecological restoration. International Journal of Educational Management, 33, 6, 1198-1218.
  • Uline, C.L. & Kensler, L.A.W. (2017). Sustainability-focused frames of mind and practice embedded within current school leadership concepts and ideals. Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly, 3, 12-17.
  • Tucker, P. & Uline C.L. (2015). The role of candidate assessment within educational leadership doctoral programs. International Journal of Educational Reform, 24, 3, 248-265.
  • Bresciani, M. & Uline, C. L. (2012). Assessing Ed.D. Programs for program evaluation and improvement. Assessment Update, 24, 7-9.
  • Johnson, J. F., Uline, C.L., & Perez, L. (2011). Expert noticing and principals of high performing urban schools. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 16, 122-136.
    Perez, L., Uline, C. L., Johnson, J. F., Ward, C. & Basom P. (2011). Foregrounding fieldwork in leadership preparation: The transformative capacity of authentic inquiry, Educational Administration Quarterly, 47, 217–257. doi: 10.1177/0011000010378614
  • Uline, C. L., Wolsey, T.D., Tschannen-Moran, M. & Lin, C. (2010). Improving the physical and social environment of school: A question of equity. The Journal of School Leadership, 20, 597-632.
  • Wolsey, T.D. & Uline, C. L. (2010). Student perceptions of middle grades learning environments. Middle School Journal, 42, 40-47.
  • Uline, C. L. (2009). Building high quality schools for learners and communities: Introduction. Journal of Educational Administration, 47, 286-289.
  • Uline, C. L., Tschannen-Moran, M., & Wolsey, T.D. (2009). The walls still speak: The stories occupants tell. Journal of Educational Administration, 47,400-426.
  • Uline, C. L., Tschannen-Moran, M. (2008). The Walls Speak: The Interplay of Quality Facilities, School Climate, and Student Achievement. Journal of Educational Administration, 46, 55-73.
  • Uline, C.L. & Johnson, J. F. (2005). This issue: Closing achievement gaps: What will it take? Theory Into Practice, 44, 1-3.
  • Johnson, J. F. & Uline, C.L. (2005). Preparing educational leaders to close achievement gaps. Theory Into Practice, 44, 45-52.
  • Creasap, S., Peters, A., & Uline, C.L. (2005). The effects of guided reflection on educational leadership practice: mentoring and portfolio writing as a means to transformative learning for early career principals, The Journal of School Leadership, 15, 352-386.
  • Uline, C. L., Tschannen-Moran, M., & Perez, L. (2003). Constructive conflict: How controversy contributes to school improvement. Teacher College Record, 105, 782-816.
  • Perez, L. & Uline, C. L. (2003). Educational administrative problem solving in the information age: Building and employing technological capacity. Journal of Educational Administration, 41, 143-157.
  • Uline, C. L. & Posgai, J. (2001). Changing the character of the comprehensive high school. Leading and Managing, 7, 44-60.
  • Uline, C. L. (2001). The change imperative. The International Journal of Leadership in Education, 4, 13-28.
  • Willower, D.J. & Uline, C. L. (2001). The alleged demise of science: A critical inquest. Journal of Educational Administration, 39, 455-471.
  • Uline, C. L. & Berkowitz, J. (2000). Transforming school culture through teaching teams. The Journal of School Leadership, 10, 416-444.
  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Uline, C. L., Woolfolk Hoy, A., Mackley, T. (July, 2000). Creating smarter schools. The Journal of Educational Administration, 38, 247-271.
  • Uline, C. L. (2000). Decent facilities and learning: Thirman L.Milner Elementary School and beyond. Teacher College Record, 102, 444-462.
  • Uline, C. L. (1998). The privatization of public schools : Breaking the mold in Hartford, Connecticut. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 31, 176-189.
  • Uline, C. L., Miller, D., and Tschannen-Moran, M. (1998). School effectiveness: A test of a causal model. Educational Administration Quarterly, 34, 462-483.
  • Uline, C. L. (1998). Town meeting and community engagement. The Journal of School Leadership, 8, 533-557.
  • Uline, C. L. (1997). School architecture as a subject of inquiry. The Journal of School Leadership, 5, 194-209.

Editor reviewed journal articles

  • Uline, C.L. & Kensler, L.A.W. (2017). Leading with a green frame of mind. Educational Facility Planner, 49, 4, 53-57.
  • Johnson, J.F., Uline, C.L. & Perez, L. G. (2014). The quest for mastery. Educational Leadership, 72, 48-54.
  • Uline, C. L. (2012). Improving the places where students learn: An online learning experience for educational facility professionals. Educational Facility Planner, 45, 4, 67-70.
  • Uline, C.L. & Wolsey, T.D. (2011). Exploring learning spaces and places: The photo interview. Educational Facility Planner, 45, 1 & 2, 24-27.
  • Uline, C.L. & Honigsfeld, A. (2010). Twenty-First Century Schools: Where environment matters! The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 76, 32-36.
  • Uline, C. L. (1996). Knowledge in the information age: Effortless communication and the effort of reflective thought. Educational Technology, 36, 29-32.