Garrett Bose, M.A.

ASL Coordinator and Lecturer
Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education



Primary Email: [email protected]


Lamden Hall - 330
Mail Code: 1154


Garrett Bose is an ASL professor and has a passion in creating ASL
educational materials. He has a BA in Digital Arts and an MA in Sign
Language Education. He believes that student-centered learning should be fun. Garrett also serves on the board of San Diego ASL Teachers Association.


  • Master of Arts, Sign Language Education, Gallaudet University, July 2018.
  • Bachelor of Arts, Arts: Digital Media, Gallaudet University, May 2017.


  • DLE 101: American Sign Language Level One
  • DLE 102: American Sign Language Level Two
  • DLE 201: American Sign Language Level Three


  • Bose, G. (2021, Oct.) ASL Grammar: Theoretical VS Common ASL. Presented at the workshop of Florida Registry of Interpreters For the Deaf.
  • Bose, G. (2021, Oct.) 3D Structure in ASL Grammar. Presented at the workshop of C4 Communication.
  • Bose, G. (2021, Aug.) Classifiers. Presented at the workshop of Language First and ASL Connect.
  • Bose, G. (2021, Aug.) Academic ASL. Presented at the workshop of Language First and ASL Connect.
  • Bose, G. (2021, July) Zero Textbook: How to Produce a Zero Textbook Course? Presented at the workshop of ASLTA Conference. 


  • Bose, G. (2021, May.) ASL Grammar Unboxed. Presented at the workshop of Language First.
  • Bose, G. (2021, Mar.) Zero Textbook: How to Produce a Zero Textbook Course? Presented at the workshop of SD ASLTA.
  • "How Can Homelessness Be Eased?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 18 Mar. 2020,
  • "How to Make Farm Animals Happy?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 25 Nov. 2019,
  • "How to Prevent Deaf Children from Language Deprivation?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 24 Feb. 2021,
  • "How to Prevent Running Injuries?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 25 Nov. 2019,
  • "How to Prevent Trash Pollution?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 5 Jan. 2020,
  • "Is Frozen Minimum Wage Livable?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 12 Feb 2021,
  • "Why is USA Overcriminalized?" YouTube, uploaded by Garrett Bose, 12 Feb 2021,