Hsien-Chang Lin, Ph.D.


Pronouns: he/him
Department Chair & Professor



Primary Email: [email protected]


Dr. Hsien-Chang Lin, Professor of Health Behavior and Policy and former Interim Associate Dean at the Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) School of Public Health, joined our San Diego State University College of Education team as new chair of the Department of Child and Family Development, effective August 7, 2024. 

A prodigious researcher with more than 100 journal articles to his name and a recipient of prestigious R01 grant funding from the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Lin’s research program focuses on childhood well-being and substance use behaviors and their impact on later-life health outcomes. Additionally, his reputation as an outstanding mentor and teacher during his 13 years in Bloomington earned him the IU Trustees’ Teaching Award and the Mentorship Award from the American Academy of Health Behavior. 

Dr. Lin’s research and leadership garnered national recognition. He recently served as President of the American Academy of Health Behavior, where he is also a Fellow. He is also a member of a national committee at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, evaluating the impact of opioids on veterans. 

Dr. Lin received his bachelor's degree in economics and sociology as well as a master's degree in economics from National Taiwan University, before earning a master's in applied economics and a dual Ph.D. in health services research and pharmacoepidemiology from the University of Michigan. 

Dr. Lin is very excited about his new role and looks forward to leading the interdisciplinary department and working with all faculty, staff, and students.