Tania Y Márquez, M.A.

Pronouns: she/her/hers
DLE Credential Program Advisor (M-Z) & Lecturer
Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education



Primary Email: [email protected]


Lamden Hall - 332
Mail Code: 1152


Tania has recently joined the DLE department as a co-advisor to our credential program, but has been offering support to our department for over 5 years evaluating CAST tests and supporting our DLE 416 faculty. A graduate of SDSU's MA in Spanish program, she has taught Spanish as a Second Language and Spanish for Heritage Speakers at various local colleges for over 10 years. A self-described immigrant from the borderlands, she has two teenage daughters, loves foreign movies, poetry, and anything that has to do with language and culture. She will be assisting students with last names (A-L).