College Directory
Faculty and staff can visit the College Directory Guide for instructions on updating profile pages.
- Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education (ARPE)
- Child and Family Development (CFD)
- Counseling and School Psychology (CSP)
- Dean's Office
- Dual Language and English Learner Education (DLE)
- Educational Leadership (EDL)
- Joint Doctoral Program (JDP)
- Office for Student Success (OSS)
- Special Education (SPED)
- School of Teacher Education (STE)

Joe Goyos
Program Specialist, EFRCInterwork InstituteSDSU[email protected]
Oscar Grajeda, Ed.S.
Bilingual School Psychologist & LecturerSchool PsychologyDepartment of Counseling and School PsychologySDSU[email protected]NE 179
Mike Greco
Special Consultant, NRLIInterwork InstituteSDSU[email protected]
Tonika Green, Ph.D.
SDSU Associate Vice President for Campus Community Affairs & Affiliated FacultySchool PsychologyDepartment of Counseling and School PsychologySDSU[email protected]619-594-4467NE 183
Erin Grettenberger
LecturerDepartment of Special EducationSDSU[email protected]
Elizabeth Grimm, M.A.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]LH
Gretchen Grundon, M.A., BCBA
LecturerDepartment of Special EducationSDSU[email protected]NE 70
Gabriel Gutiérrez, Ph.D.
School Psychologist & LecturerSchool PsychologyDepartment of Counseling and School PsychologySDSU[email protected]NE 179
Nan Hampton, Ph.D.
Professor EmeritaDepartment of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-6425LH 246D
Rochelle Hancock
Fiscal SpecialistInstitute for Transformative EducationInstitute for Transformative EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-1047
Ashanti Hands, Ed.D.
Lecturer & President, San Diego Mesa CollegeCommunity College LeadershipDepartment of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary EducationSDSU[email protected]
Rachel Hanners, M.S.
LecturerDepartment of Child and Family DevelopmentSDSU[email protected]LH 418A
Holly Harding
LecturerDepartment of Dual Language and English Learner EducationSDSU[email protected]
Rose Hartzell, Ph.D., Ed.S., CHES, LMFT, I.F.
LecturerMarriage and Family TherapyDepartment of Counseling and School PsychologySDSU[email protected]
Bridget Herrin, Ed.D.
Lecturer & Acting Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, San Diego Mesa CollegeDepartment of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary EducationSDSU[email protected]760-666-0847LH 246
Kenna Hickman
Special Consultant, NRLIInterwork InstituteSDSU[email protected]
Jesus Hidalgo
Senior Programmer, CDLInterwork InstituteSDSU[email protected]
Charles Hohensee, Ph.D.
MSED Graduate StudentCenter for Research in Mathematics and Science EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-8201
Viridiana Holguin Solorio
Peer MentorPathwaysInstitute for Transformative EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-8626
Elizabeth Howerton
LecturerDepartment of Special EducationSDSU[email protected]NE 70
Natalie Hoxie
LecturerDepartment of Special EducationSDSU[email protected]NE 70
Aaron Iffland, Ph.D.
LecturerJoint Ph.D. ProgramSDSU[email protected]
Christine Jackson
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]
Victoria Jacobs
Associate ProfessorCenter for Research in Mathematics and Science EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-0773
Heather Jaffe, Ph.D.
LecturerDepartment of Child and Family DevelopmentSDSU[email protected]LH 418
Mark Jeffers, Ed.D.
Site Coordinator & LecturerVisionary Educators CohortSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]
Tracey Jenkins-Martin, Ed.D.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]NE 79C
Kelly Johnson, Ph.D.
LecturerSchool of Teacher EducationSDSU[email protected]619-594-6146LH 207A